Just a short and sweet few words to describe a ripper weekend away with my Mates to finish off the last few days before the end of the year. My friends mum (Wendy) and dad (Dave) offered to watch Jimmy while us big kids went for a wander. So much love! Jimmy giggled and sat back holding his seat while Tizzle (Tiahne) drove Jason’s car on the the the the beach while saying “whoa” he loved it! While also being slightly nervous. On the first night, Jimmy slept so well and woke up bright and happy. But the second night was a little too hot and he kept signing “toilet” there was a little camping one there so after giving in at 12:30 am I piggybacked him in the dark so he could go. After 15minutes or more we went back to our swag and he went straight to sleep. Sunday I had to wake him up! By the time Sunday afternoon came around Jimmy was well and truly ready to go. And that was our first beach camping trip that was more than a night since he was little. He definitely has more of an attitude now and knows what he wants. On leaving the tide was coming in and towards the end, it was pretty high. I was a little nervous but Jimmy giggled and whoa’d all the way, which makes me smile and took away my nerves. Good Times! His most fun moment was going through the underbody wash, Jimmy’s laughter was from his belly he thought it was the best thing in the world! Honestly, If I didn’t have the mates I have in my life I probably wouldn’t do as much as I do, they push me to be better than I am, without even knowing it. They look out for us and always make sure Jimmy is ok and I hope they all know how much I love them for this ♥️ Jimmy loves them too and thinks it’s funny when the boys give us girls (especially me) shit! I don’t know if he understands but he always seems to laugh at the right moment! Which in turn makes us all laugh more. Lastly; If you don’t have mates who push and encourage you to become a better person than you need to find yourself some who do! You’ll find yourself doing things you’ve never done! Here's to more Adventures, Exeriences and grabbing life by the balls in 2019 I bloody love my life 🦋