Niki Antram
Mar 20, 20236 min read
Mother Knows Best
I've always been unsure about showing Jimmy's tummy because I've had people comment on it, and I feel he will be judged. I realise now...
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Niki Antram
Dec 3, 20228 min read
Uluṟu 13th - 17th November Whenever I plan a holiday, I start with an idea and a list of things I would like to do. Then I make an...
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Niki Antram
Mar 13, 20223 min read
Its been a while.....
So I thought for anyone following on here, Id give a little update. Since my last post, I backed off from writing on my blog not because...
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Niki Antram
Oct 17, 20195 min read
A simple task, Can be hard
For as long as I can remember Jimmy has hated having his teeth brushed. Like most children when they are young, but children with...
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Niki Antram
Sep 6, 20192 min read
"It must be Hard” but Not in the Way you Think....
Been practicing! But another reason for this post is I want to share this with you because it’s something that gets said to me a lot from...
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Niki Antram
Aug 11, 20197 min read
Snow Holiday
It all started where China failed. I was a little bit disappointed when nothing was going right for our trip to China. Everything just...
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Niki Antram
Apr 2, 20195 min read
Why we visited the Yarra Valley
As far back as when I first wrote a bucket list, I've always wanted to go Hot Air Ballooning. I left it on the bottom of the list not...
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Niki Antram
Mar 14, 20192 min read
Any given Day!
Any given Day! Jimmy on my back* Everyone - Stare* At least one person - “He’s too big to be carried” “He’s too old to be carried” ...
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Niki Antram
Jan 15, 20192 min read
The Best is Yet to Come
A few weeks back I wrote about the NDIS booklet and how it made me feel. I was so angry and sad at the same time, it made me feel like...
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Niki Antram
Dec 30, 20182 min read
A Thank You to my Friends
Just a short and sweet few words to describe a ripper weekend away with my Mates to finish off the last few days before the end of the...
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